What travels around the world but stays in corner?
So what travels around the world but stays in one corner? The answer is a stamp. A stamp! A stamp is a small piece of paper that can be used to show proof of payment or as a way to send a message from one person to another. Stamps can be used to send letters, postcards, and other items around the world, but they always stay in the corner of the envelope when they are mailed. This makes stamps one of the most convenient ways to get a message across! Stamps also have an interesting history. They were first introduced in Britain. His idea was that people should pay for their own postage instead of having it paid for by someone else like newspaper companies. Since then, stamps have become popular all around the world as a simple and cost-effective way to send messages. How does a stamp work? When you purchase a stamp from the post office, you are buying a piece of paper that depicts something like an image or phrase. That stamp is then affixed to the top right corner of your ...